whatsapp - deskworldwide.com

WhatsApp has now 1.5 billion monthly users with 60 billion messages sent per day.

Facebook has announced that Instagram and WhatsApp are now the top two story-sharing apps. Each of the platforms sees more than 300 million active users per day and that is staggering compared to Snapchat‘s total user base of 178 million daily users.

Now Facebook is concentrating seriously on monetizing WhatsApp with the recent launch of the WhatsApp for Business app. Facebook plans to charge business owners for additional commerce, customer service or broadcasting tools. And with such a massive audience, merchants will be clamoring for them.

WhatsApp recently gained the ability to communicate via car infotainment systems which are powered by Apple CarPlay. Apple’s siri can read out received messages for you and frame replies based on your dictation and that should come handy while driving.


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